12/21/99 14:56:33 - LAUNCH magazine online is reporting
that mostly due to Sunday's plane mishap, the Goo's are pulling out of the
MTV Y2K Flight, but are still playing the Times Square concert!
12/20/99 08:04:32 - Press release (sorry this is a day late):
For immediate release December 19,1999
Popular recording artists the Goo Goo Dolls were involved in an aircraft mishap today when their military flight skidded off the runway in severe weather conditions at Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily at approximately 3PM (EST.) The group, their crew and several other passengers were returning from Bosnia, where the band had just performed for soldiers and other military personnel at Tuzla Army Base. Bosnia was the last stop on the band's European military "Christmas Tour" which saw them play to thousands of American service men and women.
The U. S. Naval-operated DC-9 attempted two landing approaches in severe rain, wind and lightning conditions before touching down on the third attempt. The plane skidded off the runway and slid back on again, causing damage to the aircraft's landing gear and wing.
Quick thinking air crew opened hatches and all passengers exited emergency chutes onto the runway. Military fire and ambulance personnel were immediately dispatched and the threat of serious passenger injury and further equipment damage was averted.
For the approximately 30 "very frightened" passengers on board, no serious injuries were reported other than bumps and bruises. Although the weather conditions were a factor, base officials stated that a full investigation would be conducted to determine the cause of the mishap. "We were relieved that the band and other passengers were uninjured," said Lieutenant Cappy Surette, base spokesman. "Our sailors and their families greatly appreciated the band taking the time to play for us and we want to see them get home safely."
The Goo Goo Dolls look forward to playing live in New York's Times Square for MTV's Millenium celebration this New Year's Eve!
12/16/99 10:35:16 - Press release!
For immediate release December 16, 1999
GOO GOO DOLLS GATHER GIFTS FROM BUFFALO TO BOSNIA; 5000 Toys Collected at Buffalo Toy Drive To Be Distributed to Children Locally and in Bosnia.
Band Will Present Toys to Tuzla Army Base December 19th.
Warner Bros. recording artists The Goo Goo Dolls recently held a Christmas Toy Drive during their three sold out shows in their hometown of Buffalo, NY. Residents of Buffalo came through, donating approximately 5,000 toys and games for underprivileged children just in time for the holidays. Every person who donated a gift received an autographed photo of the Goo Goo Dolls, personally signed by band members Johnny Rzeznik, Robby Takac and Mike Malinin.
U. S. Marines were on hand to collect half the toys for distribution to the local chapter of "Toys for Tots." The other half of the toys will be distributed by the U.S. Army to needy children in Bosnia. Rock-it Cargo, the freight forwarding company that transports the band's touring equipment, volunteered their services to ship the toys overseas to Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, free of charge. From there, the toys will be forwarded by the armed forces to Bosnia, where the Goo Goo Dolls will present them to Tuzla Army Base on December 19th for distribution to local orphanages. The band is currently on their military "Christmas Tour," where they've been performing for Army, Navy and Air Force personnel at European bases including a stint on the aircraft carrier the USS JOHN F. KENNEDY located somewhere in the Mediterranean.
"We want to thank the people of Buffalo for their overwhelming response to the toy drive" said Robby Takac. "They possess the true spirit of the season, and because of their generosity, lots of children will have a happier holiday this year."
Upon their return from Europe, the Goo Goo Dolls will gear up for the new year by joining MTV's "FLY 2K" contest. Viewers will enter a contest to win a trip aboard the custom made millennium party plane that will take them on a global adventure. The plane leaves NYC on December 20th, picks up additional winners in Rome and Paris, then it's onto London, where the Goos will meet up with the plane. The final stop will be back at MTV's Times Square studios in New York for a New Year's Eve celebration with performances by the Goo Goo Dolls, Jay-Z, 98 Degrees and others.
In other Goo Goo Dolls news, Johnny Rzeznik can be seen hosting VH-1's hottest new music variety talk show, The List, now through Friday, December 17th. The List airs Monday through Friday at 7PM and 11PM (ET/PT.)
The Goo Goo Dolls latest release Dizzy Up the Girl is certified triple platinum.
12/14/99 23:43:37 - Here's a cool review of the
Albuquerque, New Mexico (11/15) show from
If you haven't yet, please remember to vote for the Goo's in the VH-1 Artist of the Year contest!
12/13/99 23:48:07 - MP3.com is running a cool contest where you could win a Fender guitar
autographed by the Goo's. Remember you can always check out video from the tour at
Rock 'n' World has a cool interview with Robby from the mp3.com tour era.
12/12/99 10:27:27 - Check out cool pics from the
Columbia, SC (11/6)!
(Thanks, Lindsay!)
I was also sent a really funny cartoon of the Goo's from November 30!
12/10/99 18:37:21 - New Goo Press Release!
For immediate release
December 10, 1999
Goo Goo Dolls Johnny Rzeznik - Singer...Songwriter...TV Show Host!
Johnny Rzeznik, lead singer and guitarist for the Goo Goo Dolls will play host next week on VH-1' s hottest new music variety talk show, The List.
Beginning Monday, December 13th, Johnny will oversee a weeks worth of shows where special guests vote for their top three picks on a variety of music-related topics. "Best Rebel Song," "Best Rock & Roll Film" and "Sexiest Music Video" are among the topics discussed, voted on and argued about on next weeks shows. Guests range from recording artists and movie critics (Treach of Naughty by Nature, Leonard Maltin of Entertainment Tonight), to actors and music journalists (Tony Shalhoub "Stark Raving Mad" and Roy Trakin, Senior Editor of Hits Magazine) among others.
VH-1's The List, hosted by Johnny Rzeznik, will air Monday, December 13th through Friday, December 17th at 7PM and 11PM (both coasts.)
The Goo Goo Dolls are currently performing for Army, Navy and Airforce personnel at overseas military bases on their "Christmas Tour." Their latest release, Dizzy Up the Girl was recently certified triple platinum by the RIAA.
12/9/99 20:36:46 - Check out cool Buffalo reviews from
Jenn (12/3) and
Kelly (12/2&3)! You can also
read Jackie's on her page at
The singer of Savage Garden, Darren Hayes, had some cool words to say
about the Goo's:
'We're actually managed by the same
company that manages this band, that's the Goo Goo
Dolls. And I remember seeing the movie 'City of
Angels', and hearing the hit and just fall in love
with it. I thought it was a very honest song, a
beautiful song and..is it Johnny ? He's Johnny, i love
Johnny's voice. I think he's got a great voice and
great haircut too. Hum -- 'Dizzy up the girl' is a great
record and I enjoyed watching them live. '
(Thanks, Valerie!)
12/8/99 18:17:17 - Check out cool Buffalo pics of:
Robby and John,
Robby and John in the spotlight,
Dave w/ Grinch,
John soloing, and
Be sure to vote for the Goo's in the Teen.com Entertainment AWwards and in the VH-1 Artist of the Year contest!
12/2/99 10:45:34 - Here are some incredible shots from the Finger Lakes (8/28)
show! Take a look at:
Robby and John,
John smiling,
John playing,
Robby and John #2,
the setlist, and
an overall shot!
If you missed the Goo's on VH-1 Radio's At Work segment, you can check it out at vh1.com! Also, here is a list of the songs they played! (Thanks, Jenny!) In other VH-1 news, John Rzeznik should in fact be hosting "The List" for the week of 12/13.
Cathy (big Goo fan!) has a message for everyone going to the 12/3 show: " In Honor of John Rzeznik's Birthday, we would like to invite Shea's to join us in a "Happy Birthday" sing-along. We would like you to sing directly following IRIS. There will be a sign down in front right after IRIS telling you when to sing. Thanks for helping! Please pass this message along! He has been singing to us for years...now it is time to return the favor!"
12/1/99 23:39:02 - The Buffalo News has a slew of articles in honor of the
Goo's returning home this weekend. Read up on:
the opening acts,
the toy drive,
Dave's call to join the band on tour,
fans' favorite song,
the homecoming interview, and
the Goo's from the high school point of view!
Check out Total Request Live encounters from Laura and from Sonya!
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All Rights Reserved