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   Author  Topic: UNCLE SAM'S JAM  (Read 5973 times)

It's so hard to be someone, strung out from today.

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« Reply #20 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 3:01pm »
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John took his tank off as he was exiting the stage when they were saying that they needed to stop, but they would be back.  He pulled it off as he was walking off the stage and threw it.  When he came back out, he was in fact, shirted.  Overall it was just an ADVENTURE!!  My most memorable moments were John on stage by himself in the pouring rain singing Acoustic #3 and then bringing Robby out for 2 days in Feb. As the others mentioned, it was just.....AMAZING!!  The worst parts where the G-damn crowd surfers...really, really, really annoying and the people that thought they could muscle their way in front of us after we had stood there for 6 HOURS..they didn't succeed!!  Also the ankle deep water at points was not fun.  The guys were spectacular, the WOGers I met were just wonderful and I would do it all again!!
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Darien Lake 8/26/03
The Concert that Rocked my World
Goo God

Goo Goo Dolls Forever

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« Reply #21 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 3:04pm »
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I must say I was very disappointed because of the rain.  I came from NYC to see them and spend a lot of money to be there.   I didn't get the chance to even see them....I just heard them  Cry Cry
I mean I tried to have fun and dancing in the rain was cool for a bit but it came down so hard I couldn't breath.  I was beyond soaked.  This was the first time I EVER left a Goo Goo Dolls concert and ITS THE LAST TIME!  I am so upset right now.  I can't believe it.   Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry
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"Nothing's real and nothing lasts and I'm aware"

Goo God

If music be the food of love...play on

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« Reply #22 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 3:07pm »
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on Jul 5th, 2004, 2:49pm, stratoshorty wrote:

 ok...Im 16 and Im allowed to be hurny!
Linda, did he put some other shirt back on after that?

lol....i don't think that applies to just 16 year olds!   :cool:
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Got Goo Hugs?

Left on an eastbound train
Gone first thing this morning
Why's what's best for you
Always the worst thing for me
Goo God

If music be the food of love...play on

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« Reply #23 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 3:10pm »
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on Jul 5th, 2004, 3:04pm, GGD31 wrote:
I mean I tried to have fun and dancing in the rain was cool for a bit but it came down so hard I couldn't breath.  I was beyond soaked.

wow....i'm so amazed that they were able to play through that kind of rain!
sorry that it was rough for ya, GGD31  
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Got Goo Hugs?

Left on an eastbound train
Gone first thing this morning
Why's what's best for you
Always the worst thing for me
Goo God

Caught in the breakdown

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« Reply #24 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 3:28pm »
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I'm one of the ones who toughed it out.  Got there at 6 am with a gang of dedicated fans (including LandofOz). THOUGHT we were going to be lucky enough to keep our territory since security was telling us they wouldn't move us, found out differently and it became a HUGE free for all (I had my brother run for it while I got some water - the only thing we had for the rest of the day).  Luckily, it looked like most of the early birds made it back to the rail or darn close -- I have to thank the REALLY sweet red-headed girl from England that I met waiting in line (can't remember her name, and I'm not sure she posts here) for that.  I had ended up like 5 people back (after my brother got pushed back OFF the rail cuz he's too sweet and started looking for me instead of holding the spot and letting me find him). She made it to the rail, when she saw me back there, she waved me & him up saying there was room around her saying, "You DESERVE to be here" and kept making sure I didn't get pushed back for the rest of the night, waving me up when it cleared up some around her when I did (it got nuts there for a while and I did get pushed back one or 2 times). I didn't have a fight getting there originally since I was moving away from center stage (only a couple spots though  Grin)  I ended up in like row 1 and 1/2 way over on Robby's side (too crushed to be row 2 Wink ) and saw everything great except for Jason, he was hidden behind the speakers.
It was definitely an experience, not entirely a good one (not getting to eat anything after a bag of pretzels around 10:30  am and standing soaked in 6 inches of water by the end of the night wasn't the greatest, the planning could have been WAY better), but we both had a blast overall.  I met a bunch of way cool fans, most of them WOGers or from the Fans for Peace gang (great meeting all of you, hopefully we'll see each other somewhere else!)  and saw a couple I'd met other trips briefly.     One thing I have to say is how much I appreciate the Goos sticking it out.  It wasn't the safest conditions by ANY means, but they held their heads high and performed an AWESOME show. I can't wait for you guys who couldn't make it to see it for yourselves.  You're in for a treat!
P.S.  John throwing his shirt into the crowd made for a LOVELY view, but the tug-of-war/fight that ensued for the next 10 minutes afterwards wasn't too cool.  Security had to go in and break it up eventually.
« Last Edit: Jul 5th, 2004, 3:34pm by Iris74 » IP Logged


Its freezing in the corner of my mind

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« Reply #25 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 3:29pm »
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That was definitely the weirdest concert I have ever been to!!! I had a blast, but was bummed that I had to go stand under an awning half way through the goo's because i just couldn't take it anymore. At least I could hear them through the monsoon. ONLY IN BUFFALO would a band play with lightning on both sides of the stage, a complete flood, driving rain, and then still have the frieking fireworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I went and laughed my ass off at Lance Diamond. That guy is a riot!
All my clothes are still soaked 24 hours later, I don't think I'll ever dry out  Roll Eyes
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« Reply #26 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 4:06pm »
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on Jul 5th, 2004, 2:49pm, stratoshorty wrote:

 ok...Im 16 and Im allowed to be hurny!
Linda, did he put some other shirt back on after that?

LOL.  Well, I am waaaaaaaaay over 16 and I know it is all about the music, BUT.....so what do the guys look like WETHuh? or did they have an awning protecting themHuh  Mmmmm, John....wet AND shirtless??   :drool:
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Goo God

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« Reply #27 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 4:25pm »
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Yeah thanks for the report. I can't wait for the DVD.  
Congrats to all you guys who survived through all that rain. I would have stuck it out too!!  Grin  
Wish I could have been there...
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"Cause Im sober with you and you know it beats drinkin' alone"
- "Girl Right Next to Me" ~Goo Goo Dolls~

"And i could be, the one who would die to feel you breathe"
- "Xmas Day" ~Sevendust~
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« Reply #28 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 4:37pm »
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Its nice to know they threw in a few lesser performed songs.
Question:  Did they do 2dif like they did on Leno, or more like on the Dizzy tour where they'd occaisonally have alot of feedback coming in?  And what did Robby do during 2dif?
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« Reply #29 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 8:13pm »
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I'm not even sure I have words to describe how I feel...
All I know is that I expereinced one of the most AMAZING shows....EVER!
I feel so fortunate that the guys gave us such a wonderful gift...they took the show to an entirely new level...and they took us there with them!
The rain...it was unreal and cleansing...and the show would not have been the same without it...
The evening was filled with irony and we proudly sang along with John as he sang...."everything is wrong...but it's alright..."
Some interesting observations....
John taking the microphone off the stand and singing...
The large amount of guys in the audience that actually sang along....
How we all obeyed Robby as he told us..."stay right where you are...we'll be right back!"
Robby throwing his guitar in to the audience...John handing his guitar to someone in the audience...then security asking for the guitars back...
It was exciting to see the return of the tote bags!
John had a HUGE, WIDE smile the entire show....
It was shocking to hear a girl say..."I don't know this song...is it new?"  (Two Days in February....)
Watching the guys get out of a police escorted van walking up the stairs to go backsatge...not without checking out the audience and giving waves...
A couple of you summed it up perfectly...surreal...and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!
« Last Edit: Jul 6th, 2004, 10:07am by AGirlNamedSue » IP Logged
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