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Topic: UNCLE SAM'S JAM (Read 5972 times) |
Goo God
 "Feels so GOOd to be so bad...."
Posts: 1255
« on: Jul 5th, 2004, 1:15am » |
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UNCLE SAM'S JAM OMG, I can't believe we survived it all! Of course, we wanted to get on the rail. So at 9:30 this morning, a bunch of us (me, Sara, Hel, Joni, Cheryl,Char/AtlantaGoo, Jules, and a couple others} walked up to the concert site. There was nobody at the gate so we just walked on in. There were about 30 or so people there already...we got 2nd row on the rail on John's side...Robby's side was already filled up. We were thinking this was too good to be true, and we were right. About 11 they kicked us out and made us go back to the gate. We left Sara's blanket and some of our stuff there to mark our territory. We stood there at the gate awhile, then they made us walk clear across the site to the opposite gate-the one nearest the Statler Tower hotel where the After Party would take place. We stood and stood...finally we decided to have a couple of us go back to the original gate (the closest one to the stage) and wait while the rest of us stayed there. Security didn't know what was going on either-first they told us they'd let us back in at 1:30, then it was 3. During this time, we went to the Statler and paid our $10 for wristbands to get all day access to the bathrooms, food and cash bar at the Statler. After that, we decided to go back to the first gate where Sara and Jules were waiting (we were able to buy them tickets for the Statler which they would later have to turn in to get their wristbands and free drink). So, we waited outside in the hot sun. It was feeling brutal out there! The sun was relentless and the skies looked pretty we were hopeful that it wouldn't rain later on. I had a mini umbrella that I brought with me just in case, and I used it to shield the sun's rays. The gates were supposed to open at 3 but they kept us waiting. During our looong wait, we heard the Goos' soundcheck...Big Machine, Slide, Naked, Cuz You're Gone and Give A Little Bit. That lifted our spirits slightly. LOL FINALLY at 3:45 they told us GO...and the mad dash to the rail began. I've never run so fast in flip flops in my life! They opened all the other gates at the same time, but since we were closest to the stage we got there first and reclaimed our original spots. Whew! It was sooo crowded...people were standing close, and it was hot and smelly. LOL Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and told the others I might be back, I might not... but I needed a drink and some food. So Char and I went to do that. First you had to buy tickets which cost $2.50 each. A drink was 1 ticket, sandwiches were 2. I don't know how much the beer was cuz I didn't drink any. Char and I and a few others sat on the curb in the sun. Sara, Hel, and Jules were still at the rail. No way was I going back there...too claustrophobic and I felt like I couldn't breathe, so I hung back. Finally the opening act started late...I guess it was about 6ish, and he was supposed to go on at 4:15. I don't even remember his name...never heard of him before, though. I sat the entire time. During his set it started to sprinkle. Then it began to rain...and rain...and rain...until it was coming down pretty good. I met up with Joni over at the Statler and we watched from the window while Ani DeFranco did her set. She had to stop midway and take a recess of 10 minutes cuz it was coming down so hard. Then she came back out and finished, but it was still pouring rain. There were rumors of cancellation...WAH...but finally it cleared up. Since Ani's set was delayed by the rain and the recess, she got done after 8. The clouds blew away and it cleared off. Everyone had gotten soaked...Char and a couple of the others decided to run back to the hotel to change into dry things. I dried out at the Statler. In the meantime, from the Statler window I could see the entire site getting more and more packed with fans to see the Goos. So finally Joni and I decided to go out and stake a spot to watch their show. I'm no good at estimating, but there were maybe 15-20,000 people there? Neither of us wanted to get back in that pushing,drunken,nasty finally we stayed near the two video monitors set up near the McKinley monument. The Goos came out around 10. Robby wore a T shirt that said Healthwalker...John had on the camos with the star on the leg (the ones he wore to the private show), a black tank top with a black button down shirt over that and the sneaks that never die. Couldn't see Mike at all...but they were enthusiastic and happy. John thanked us for hanging in there. The set list as far as I can remember: Big Machine Naked Slide Dizzy Think About Me Smash Tucked Away Cuz You're Gone/1000 Words PG version Iris Name Black Balloon Sympathy John read a couple of signs. One that I remember he held up said POLISH BOYS KICK ASS! He laughed and then said, "What's on the other side?" Turned it over and it said the same thing and he read it again, then said, "Polish boy reads it twice!" There was a lot of crowd surfing...John looked down and laughed and said, "You guys can do whatever you want, you've been here all day!" He and Robby thanked us for hanging in there all day. then during January Friend, it started to sprinkle. Robby yelled out mid song, "Screw the rain!" and we cheered, but it got worse and worse...until finally it was raining as hard as it could rain! We were so soaked anyway, all you could do was either leave or stay and just deal with it. Joni and I just dealt with it. We were singing and dancing in the rain with our umbrellas as were many others, although a lot of people left after the deluge. Rain songs: Here Is Gone ACOUSTIC #3 John came out and sang. He took his shirt off, wrung it out and flung it into the crowd What A Scene 2 DAYS IN FEBRUARY Broadway (none of these songs are in order) John also took a towel, rubbed his head with it and flung it into the crowd saying, "Anyone need a towel?" LOL He told us that we were there to the end...he and Robby slipped and slid like kids playing in the rain. They were troupers and so was the crowd...we hung in there. The encore was Give A Little Bit, and we sang along in the still pouring rain. Of course, as soon as the show ended, the rain stopped! We walked back to the hotel, and as we got there the fireworks started. They were incredible! and lasted probably 15-20 minutes. Spectacular ending to a long and sometimes brutal day. The crowd had been there all day in the sun and then the rain, getting drunk and turning nasty. There were a few fights, but security was on top of them. Back in our hotel room which we hadn't seen for 14 hours, we all agreed that it was the worst GA show any of us had ever been to...and one of the best Goo performances ever. The true Goo Warriors were Hel, Sara and Jules who toughed it all day at the rail. I couldn't take it, and I have to hand it to them for hanging in there. Somewhere along the way we lost track of Gookat and Cheryl...we all kept in touch throughout the day with our trusty cell phones (how did we ever get along with out them before?) and I think all of us ended up seeing the show with at least one person from our posse...we didn't see it all together, but we did see it with a friend...except for Cheryl, I don't know what happened to her! Sorry about that, the last time I saw her she was Char and Char's daughter Tanya. Right now Hel and I are waiting for pizza delivery...I'm gonna have to wake her up to eat it! She's only had 2 bottles of water and a cinnamon danish since this morning! I had a cheeseburger about 8 hours ago. So time to sign off for now. We're all going home tomorrow, where it will be good to sleep in my own bed again!
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Thank you for taking the time to check in with us must be starvin! I'm sorry you guys had to deal with such a downpour...but it sounds like it made for an interesting show and a great one none-the-less! Have a safe trip home and ((((BIGASSGOOHUGS)))) to ya! ~Sophy~
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Johnny's Devil Girl
Posts: 52
« Reply #2 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 2:43am » |
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LINDA, U are he first report here and THANX TONX for it! U guys(:dancemaid have been great troopers in the rain and sun. I swear why do people get so freaking crazy and nasty when they drink? NO common courtesy exists anymore these days! ANY PIX?
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Goo God

I got a head that don't let me sleef
Posts: 2716
« Reply #3 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 2:46am » |
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Thanks for the story, Linda... it sounds like things got pretty crazy! I'm happy to hear that the Goo's managed to play their whole set, but it's a shame the conditions were so lousy. I've got to hand it to you guys for staying through it all!
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 "i have never wanted something so badly as having people just show up at ggd concerts dressed as presidential fruit"
Goo God

Posts: 667
« Reply #4 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 5:32am » |
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Linda: Thank you for thinking of us after your long day!! I enjoyed reading your show review!! I'm sorry you had to put up with all the rain but I'm glad the show was good! I'm sure seeing the guys made up for everything! lauren
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Goo God
 Hold on, Dream Away...
Posts: 1251
« Reply #5 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 9:00am » |
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Wow thanks for writing your review so quickly Linda - we were thinking of you all and wondering how you got on. Too bad the rain fell down but kudos to you all (including the band!) for sticking through it. Can't wait to see the dvd Take care Louisa & Nicola
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Please click on the banner and request Goo in the UK! Graphics by Lea (RogueUK)
Goo God

Posts: 2002
« Reply #6 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 9:14am » |
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Thanks for the report Linda! Sounds like the show was fantastic-even though you had to deal with some showers. I'm glad you guys had fun!!!
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Mary Beth
Dances with Goo

| I'm reading this, I have little happy tears in the corner of my eye...the guys actually managed to do an entire set, including the encore?!! That's awesome, considering the weather conditions. You guys...the band, the folks working behind the scenes to keep the show going, and the are one bunch of dedicated troopers! You dealt with a lot of lousy conditions...a deluge, people misbehavin', waiting, starving, and God knows what else...but the love of Goo prevailed, baby! Rock on! Thanks for the great review...yeah, back here we were a little bit bored.
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Thanks for your AWESOME review Linda! That sucks about the rain, but you still managed to have a good time!! Wow, John took off his shirt!! Hope that makes it on the DVD!!!
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Thread Killer Goo God


Posts: 3680
« Reply #9 on: Jul 5th, 2004, 10:15am » |
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The show was unbelievable! It will definitely go down as one of my most memorable days ever! Although the weather was absolutely terrible, it was so surreal listening to John and Robby playing Two Days in February in the pouring rain. There's millions of dollars of film equipment, they're playing a free show on City Hall, trying to make a DVD, the rain is teeming, they've been forced to stop playing for a few minutes, and John is singing "Everything's wrong, but it's alright". Those words never had so much meaning.
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