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   Review of June 30th show
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   Author  Topic: Review of June 30th show  (Read 1527 times)

Johnny's CBGB's Girl

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Review of June 30th show
« on: Jul 6th, 2004, 6:30pm »
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Ok for all you Goo-Friends that couldn't make it to the "Private' Concert here in Buffalo, NY on June 30th...I want to share with you everything that I can so you won't feel left out...Here we go....
First off, Open Bar, appetizers, roast beef, all sorts of food...All included in the 'Pass' you had to buy for only $100.
Everyone lined up for the 'Meet & Greet' at about 6pm, Johnny, Robby & Mike finally came out at around 7 pm.  'We' were put into groups of 10 people and had our picture taken professionally by a photographer...Then we left our mailing address for them to send it to us..We also were allowed to take our own pics, no flashes, but still all the Guys were right there...waiting with open arms!  
I, of course, was at the end of my group, but didn't stop me from running over and landing on Johnny's lap and kissed him on the cheek and said hello...He remember me from prior shows..I was wearing my autographed shirt as well,  I said ' Remember me??  You signed this at Hampton Beach' he says 'Ok, I'll go with that...'  Honey he can go anywhere with me!!!  LOL    
Anygoo, When the pic comes I will scan it for ya all to smooze over..LOL>.....The other people who were already sitting next to Johnny when I so abruptly pushed them away, I apologize to, but hey, ya only get one (or two/three for me) to sit on Johnny's Lap!!  I kissed him after the pic was taken again!  He had lipstick all over his cheeks! And a little stubbly, but who cares!!
I even asked Johnny where the smoking area was...He said 'Um, outside, I'm wearing a patch'   He was chewing gum to boot..How does he sing and chewHuh  He drank water during the concert, From what I gathered, he had a night out with the boys the night before...
I met a couple of girls who were soooo afraid to even be near any of The Goo's, I told them that The Goo's were just as shy and nervous as they were...They ended up standing next to Robby for the pic, and Robby said to them 'We are going to party tonight!'
So after everyone gets there pic taken, we all wait patiently for them to start the concert...mind you it was also being taped, so we could take pictures only without the flash.  I landed myself in the front row, ended up in the 3rd, being pushed all over..haha..General Admission...you know how that goes....
Finally the concert started around 9 PM and went on until 10:30 PM...afterwards, I talked to Jason, who is leaving the Goo's for Green Day!!!   Yup, bye bye Jason, sweetheart that he is....He also signed my shirt, I still need Greg & Mike to sign it to finish me off..LOL...He said that Johnny & Robby love being home!  I talked to Jason for like 15 minutes or so, talking about the long 3 yr tour and how hard it was to sleep with all the guys on the bus...He sais Robby was hilarious!  Which we all know..and I guess Jason is the one who laughs at all Robby's jokes, So he will be missed!!  Jason also said that Robby is the one who would make sure the bus driver ate, and all the people who help them were taken care of..He's soo sweet!
They played their usual routine...Not a huge bouncing crowd except for the first 5 rows or so...But I think a lot of people that were there were not, how do you say, concert type...Alot of well dressed people stood & sat towards the rear.  I still wonder who they were...It was very private to say the least.  I have a receipt from purchasing my pass, which I will also show you all when I get back, The receipt says 'An Intimate Night with The Goo's' and has my name on it.
The concert rocked!!  Johnny's nephew - Greg was an acting security guard, he is a handsome man as well, married with 2 kids though...Robbie's awesome sweet parents were there too.  Jason's wife had just flown in from California, Orange County, 'The O.C.' LOL...
It was just incredible, I am so glad I drove the 6 or so hours to get here...Staying until the 5th, after the July 4th show...and hopefully will run into Johnny and the guys before I leave.  I found out where Robby & Johnny like to hangout as this is their homeland.  Maybe I will run into them!!  I so hope so, and will let you all know how the July 4th show goes when I return...
Take Care Goo-Friends, Dina   Smiley
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'I wish for things that I don't need, and what I chase won't set me free, I get scared but I'm not crawling on my knees' Johnny Rzeznik
Goo God

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Re: Review of June 30th show
« Reply #1 on: Jul 6th, 2004, 7:47pm »
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Very cool review, I was there as well. The show rocked! :rockin:
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Mary Beth


Re: Review of June 30th show
« Reply #2 on: Jul 7th, 2004, 7:55am »
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Thanks for your review, Dina!
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Goo God

Goo Goo Dolls Rock!

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Re: Review of June 30th show
« Reply #3 on: Jul 7th, 2004, 12:19pm »
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I was there too Dina. I was second row in front of Robby. He was so great smiling and interacting with us all night.  I, unlike you, left my brain at the door. When it came time to meet them the only thing I said was "Hi, it's nice to meet you" and shook their hands. Can you believe that? It was a complete brain freeze ... lol. I've never had that before.  I'm hoping if I get a chance to meet them again I at least tell them my name ... lol.  This night was one of the best night's of my life. I had to miss the 4th so I was so grateful to be there sharing the experience with everyone.
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"Music means to me.. ah...breathing. It's a heartbeat, it's rythm and it's passion. It's therapy. It's .... breathing". ~Keith Urban~

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