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   Author  Topic: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning  (Read 80659 times)
Goo God

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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #720 on: Feb 17th, 2013, 12:13am »
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If Keep the Car Running is an Arcade Fire cover I am so done here.
I agree with your assessment of which song titles are most likely to be Robby's but I also suspect he might only sing one song this time around, in keeping with the "Robby sings less and less songs on each album" trend. I COULD BE WRONG
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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #721 on: Feb 17th, 2013, 12:25am »
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I thought it was confirmed somewhere that he's singing two on this one. I can't remember where I read that. I agree with the two titles you predicted...they're both short titles and their placement on the album seems to be where Robby songs go.
A Keep the Car Running cover would be very odd as the album closer, but as far as I'm concerned anything goes for this one. I'm actually very relieved that Last Hot Night is on the album, despite not liking it when it came out, because I know I can at least tolerate it.
So do you think the song Bulletproofangel will explain why it's all one word? Notbroken never really explained it. I've also always been bothered by Matchbox Twenty's Back 2 Good. WHY THE "2"?
Bulletproofangel sounds like words taken from the DUTG album put together. Dizzyirisballoon. Broadwayeyesdream. Fullforeverslide.
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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #722 on: Feb 17th, 2013, 9:15am »
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I think Robby has at least 2.  John said something about Robby's songS this time around.  I mean, I know I should know better about believing anything John says but it's all I've got right now.
'Notbroken' was a play on the title words not being broken up.  But you can't use that same play on words for 'Bulletproofangel' unless there's something in the song discusses plays on words, which I doubt.
I remember in the early 2000s when all the popstars had songs with U or 2 or 4 in them.  It happened because all of their songwriters were naming them that way because it was 'cool' and 'trendy' and the singer was stuck with it even if it was stupid.  That's obviously not the case for Back 2 Good or Bulletproofangel* but it reminds me of that.
*I guess we really have no idea who has creative control over GGD songs anymore so maybe that IS the case.
« Last Edit: Feb 17th, 2013, 9:19am by nmf016 » IP Logged
Goo God

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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #723 on: Feb 17th, 2013, 10:51am »
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on Feb 17th, 2013, 9:15am, nmf016 wrote:
I think Robby has at least 2.  John said something about Robby's songS this time around.  I mean, I know I should know better about believing anything John says but it's all I've got right now.
'Notbroken' was a play on the title words not being broken up.  But you can't use that same play on words for 'Bulletproofangel' unless there's something in the song discusses plays on words, which I doubt.
I remember in the early 2000s when all the popstars had songs with U or 2 or 4 in them.  It happened because all of their songwriters were naming them that way because it was 'cool' and 'trendy' and the singer was stuck with it even if it was stupid.  That's obviously not the case for Back 2 Good or Bulletproofangel* but it reminds me of that.
*I guess we really have no idea who has creative control over GGD songs anymore so maybe that IS the case.

For what it's worth, I haven't been paying much attention & don't have access to the $30 fan club information so you guys probably know more than me. I'll take your word. Wink  
2's and U's and 4's in song titles always give me a laugh. I'll allow people to get away with it if there's a reason or a precedent to follow, but y'know. Kinda glad I don't see any of that here. Someone probably just wrote the words "bulletproof angel" too close together on their notes and it was taken as gospel that it should all be one word or something...
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"i have never wanted something so badly as having people just show up at ggd concerts dressed as presidential fruit"
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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #724 on: Feb 17th, 2013, 11:04am »
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on Feb 17th, 2013, 10:51am, Christina wrote:

For what it's worth, I haven't been paying much attention & don't have access to the $30 fan club information so you guys probably know more than me. I'll take your word. Wink

LOL, no one learned anything from the fanclub, which is in shambles and deserted.  I haven't been a member in a long time.  Pretty much everything known right now comes from John's promo tour from hell.
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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #725 on: Feb 17th, 2013, 6:32pm »
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Bulletproofangel is on Facebook.
As always, you can "like" bulletproofangel on Facebook.  Tongue
It says there:
"A mysterious woman with superhuman abilities and no memory of her past discovers that she may be mankind's only hope for survival against a hostile alien force bent on conquering the Earth."
note the alien reference pops up again. haha.
Sounds like some dang video game my son would be playing when he's supposed to be doing his homework.
And I am sure this all has nada to do with the song.  
Sorry if all I can be is random.  
I do have to say that if that's the album cover art, it is actually a lot better than the newest Bon Jovi one. Gah, that one's awful.  
so tempted to change my username to Fullforeverslide.
~Sorry for all the repeated edits on this post. That's what happens when you get trapped at work for days on end during a snow storm. 'twas torture.
« Last Edit: Feb 17th, 2013, 6:36pm by Dances_with_Goo » IP Logged
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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #726 on: Feb 17th, 2013, 10:56pm »
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on Feb 17th, 2013, 11:04am, nmf016 wrote:
John's promo tour from hell.

Please explain!
Hmm based on the alien motif in both Come To Me and now Bulletproofangel, it appears that this album will be telling a story from start to finish. And it all begins with a rebel beat. Clearly the last hot night in America is the night before the aliens invade.
DWG, I like the "4" you put in Full4everzlide.
Also, the original rebel beets:  
« Last Edit: Feb 17th, 2013, 11:01pm by Shade » IP Logged
Goo God

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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #727 on: Feb 17th, 2013, 11:55pm »
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...if the Rebel Beat b-side is a cover of Killer Tofu you will find me at the front row of the next gig
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"i have never wanted something so badly as having people just show up at ggd concerts dressed as presidential fruit"


Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #728 on: Feb 18th, 2013, 1:18pm »
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haha....Killer Tofu.
I remember that.  
Yeah, I tried to use the name Fullforeverslide and every time I tried to enter it, it came out Fullforeverslid e
As if the space was essential to the meaning.
Hence the use of the 4
it's so hip too.   Roll Eyes
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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #729 on: Feb 18th, 2013, 1:23pm »
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This is mandatory.
"Killer Tofu" has to be a Robby song.
« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2013, 1:30pm by Dances_with_Goo » IP Logged
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