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Topic: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning (Read 80372 times) |
Thread Killer Goo God


Posts: 3680
Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #230 on: May 22nd, 2010, 3:56pm » |
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I definitely think there's something to the whole 'I love it because it's new' thing. Slide was my 'first single'. When it came out, I only knew about 10-15 GGD songs (I had collected songs off the radio when WEDG was super GGD friendly). I heard it when it debuted on WEDG and the DJs were looping it on the radio for, like, half an hour. I LOVED it. I still like it but DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE HEARD THIS SONG IN THE LAST 12 YEARS? When Here is Gone came out, I heard it for the first time on some AOL streaming radio thing and then it debuted on WEDG later that afternoon - pretty much the same way as Slide. I LOVED it. Then I got kind of tired of it because I heard it so much on the radio and in live performances. But some really awesome stuff happened while the GGDs were playing HiG at the LIB concert and I fell back in love with it. Pretty much every song on GF continues to rank higher and higher on my favorites list as time goes on. I still don't know what the proper first single is off of LLI... GALB? Better Days? SWY? I really hate the original of GALB. I've hated it forever. I initially liked the GGD's version just because it was infinitely better than the original. But that has worn off.. I never want to hear it again. Better Days was originally a Christmas song. And I liked it as a Christmas song because I hate standard Christmas songs. But as a non-Christmas song, it doesn't do much for me, especially because I'm a heathen. I liked SWY originally and I don't hate it now, but I never declared it the best song ever or anything. I never liked the lyrics but it doesn't make me as angry as most of LLI. I'm still bummed about the studio recording of Home. I love it live and wish the studio recording had half the life in it on the live version.
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Goo God

Never you mind.
Posts: 2029
Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #231 on: May 22nd, 2010, 5:51pm » |
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on May 22nd, 2010, 3:56pm, the stamped o wrote: But as a non-Christmas song, it doesn't do much for me, especially because I'm a heathen. |
| HAHA! Too funny!
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Thread Killer Goo God


Posts: 3680
Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #232 on: May 23rd, 2010, 8:25pm » |
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on May 23rd, 2010, 12:27am, the cursive o? wrote: Out of curiosity, why do songs on GF keep ranking higher and higher? I initially placed those songs very high and they've been dropping for me over time. I don't know why exactly. I know What A Scene, though fantastic live, grates on me on the album because the NAH NAH NAHs go on forever (and I like listening to the whole of songs). I prefer Listen and Strange Love to Up Up Up and Smash. Think About Me and It's Over, which I once loved, I rarely listen to. Maybe I just need to give it another good listen and I'll find there is no explanation and I really do still like them all a lot. |
| When GF originally came out, I didn't really know what to think of it. I had discovered their entire catalog at the same time as DUTG, so everything else was lumped together and GF was the 'new kid in class' so I had a hard time figuring out where it ranked among the other albums for me. My order had been HMU, then SSCW, then ABNG, then DUTG with Jed and FR not really being included, so GF was just kind of placed in the 5th position because the pattern said it should be there. But as time has passed and the songs have held up for me, it has climbed in my rankings. I would probably put it about even with SSCW now. It helps that I believe the content of the songs on GF. I can understand the bitterness of the album, especially John's songs. Songs on GF still honestly make me feel the emotions behind them and those songs are the last offerings from the GGDs that make me feel that way so I value them more. And I love the end of What a Scene just because they had intended to make those fade out and decided to be assholes and leave them in at full volume just because. It makes me LOL.
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Thread Killer Goo God


Posts: 3680
Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #233 on: Jun 2nd, 2010, 7:38pm » |
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I think Eva probably intended to put in a Sylvester and Tweety smiley and accidentally uploaded the wrong thing. These are my favorite WOG smileys
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Goo God

Posts: 1920
Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #234 on: Jun 2nd, 2010, 8:48pm » |
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Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #235 on: Jun 2nd, 2010, 11:24pm » |
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on Jun 2nd, 2010, 7:08pm, the cursive o? wrote:Hold on I have to ask: What the hell is up with this one? hahaha and why the hell is it called "sylvester and tweety?" This quest is going to take some creativity... |
| I think it should be re-named "fart can".
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Goo God

Posts: 1920
Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #236 on: Jun 3rd, 2010, 7:44am » |
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on Jun 2nd, 2010, 10:48pm, the cursive o? wrote: Nicole, when are you going to make your avatar into an lolcat? |
| What is an lolcat?
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Goo God

Posts: 1105
Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #238 on: Jun 3rd, 2010, 9:36pm » |
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Goo God

Never you mind.
Posts: 2029
Re: Community Thread 4: The Reckoning
« Reply #239 on: Jun 3rd, 2010, 9:48pm » |
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I remember LOLCATS.. ..and how truly HENIOUS they were.
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