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Topic: Rant, Rave, Confession (Read 33532 times) |
Goo God

I got a head that don't let me sleef
Posts: 2716
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #140 on: Jan 17th, 2007, 3:16pm » |
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on Jan 17th, 2007, 12:40pm, the redo wrote:Rant: Just found out the Tragically Hip are having shows in Buffalo in March and I really want to go, but I lack concert-going friends. And I can't "think about it" because tickets will sell out in approximately 8 minutes on Friday. |
| Gaaahh, I hate that. I missed out on a couple of shows last fall because there was no way I was going into the city alone, and none of my friends had any interest 'cause they're all cheap losers. Boo. Rant: I want to change my avatar but I don't have anything to change it to. (Yet. ) Rave: It's finally cold outside! During January! In Connecticut! Confession: Sometimes I like to tease my little brother just because he makes really funny noises when he's mad.
« Last Edit: Jan 17th, 2007, 3:17pm by Christina » |
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 "i have never wanted something so badly as having people just show up at ggd concerts dressed as presidential fruit"
Thread Killer Goo God


Posts: 3680
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #141 on: Jan 17th, 2007, 5:30pm » |
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Rant: My father hit my car with his truck's trailer hitch. He did the same to my sister's car. He did not tell me until today when I mentioned that my license plate was dented. (Confession: As punishment I took $5 out of his wallet. Ha.) Rant: I'm registered for four classes and my advising professor asked me to take a 5th class. And then I found out I'm expected to start my research this semester instead of during the summer. Rave: Nope. Still nothing. Confession: I'm plotting to rob a bank so that I am not forced to work while dealing with the rant above. I just need the ski mask.
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Goo God

a.k.a y2goo_4ever

Posts: 2444
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #142 on: Jan 18th, 2007, 8:32pm » |
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Rant: I hate this weather. It's too cold. Rave: MEXICO WAS AMAZING! Confession: I haven't washed my hair since I got it braided a week ago.
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 made by: Hysteria
Goo God
 You drown in deeper oceans Inventing new religions
Posts: 633
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #143 on: Jan 19th, 2007, 1:00pm » |
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Rant: I had to go to school early today to hand in a huge paper. Rave: First semester is over, finals are over, and I have a 3-day weekend with no homework! Confession: I din't study for my finals as much as I should have.
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Goo God
 You drown in deeper oceans Inventing new religions
Posts: 633
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #144 on: Jan 20th, 2007, 1:06am » |
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RANT: I just got finished with my last gymnastics meet. There are three levels to my high school team: Varsity, JV1 and JV2. I am on JV2 and I am one of the people with the least amount of gymnastics experience out of all the girls. Everything I do is basic beginner gymnastics: cartwheels, back walkovers, etc. I always compete on beam becasue it is the only event that I have all the required tricks for. After the meet, my parents came up to me and told me that with intense training, I can be on varsity next year. Now that sounds like something an athlete might want to hear from their parents, but this pisses me off. I tried explaining to them that it is mentally and physically not possible for me to learn so many tricks by next season. The girls on varsity have all been training for this their whole lives, some since they were only two years old. I started when I was six I think and have done it off and on for short periods of time since then. Varsity does a whole lot of crazy tricks, most of which I can't even pronounce. They do fricking backflips on the beam, which is only four inches wide. I told my mom htat I would never, EVER even WANT to try doing some of those things, even if I was capable of doing them, which I never will be. Then she said, "But I thought you were a daredevil... you love riding roller coasters, those are scary." WTF?! She was comparing doing gymnasting to riding a fucking roller coaster! You don't have to DO anything to ride a roller coaster! You just sit there! Gymnastics is rated the hardest sport, you have to take lots of time and do lots of drills to lead up to even the simplest tricks. All of your muscle movements have to be perfect in order for you to not die while trying some of these things. You don't just wake up and decide that you are confident enough to try them. During competition, you are being carefully watched and judged my every single move you make. My dad was comparing gymnastics to snowboarding, becasue they sometimes do crazy flips. But snowboarders don't have to look perfect doing it. In gymnastics, you even have to have your f-ing FINGERS in the correct position!! And I think that's ridiculous! And we have to wear these tiny little leotards during competiion htat ride up your crotch and we can't even pick our fricking wedgies because it doesn't look pretty. When I compete on beam, I pick my wedgie every time and I get yelled at it every time because we actually get points off for it. But I don't care! I don't need a whole fricking crowd of video cameras catching my vagina peeking out of my leotard! Then, when I got home tonight, I was saying how glad I am that season is over becuase I need a break from doing gymnastics for several hours each day! And then my brother told me that was the same as how I listen to the Goo Goo Dolls every day and I should take a break from them! WTF!?! The Goo Goo Dolls ARE my break!!!!! That's why I listen to them! To get away from all the hard work that I have to do every day! Gymnastics is hard. School is hard. Listening to the Goo Goo Dolls is not hard! Also, my brother is a swimmer and was complaing about how they have to do flipturns in the pool to turn around. Well, you definitely can't fall on your face when you are in the water doing a flipturn and the jusges definitely aren't judging you on how you look whicle you are doing it and then are not taking off points if your fingers are in the wrong position! When my family tells me that I could move up to varsity in one year, that is just expecting way too much of me, when no one on Earth could possible do that in gymnastics, and it's also a slap in the face to the people who have been working hard on this their whole lives to just say that a beginner can come and take their place. AGH! My family just doesn't understand anything! Wow, sorry for the long, disturbing rant. You can delete it if you want. I don't care. I feel better now. Heh, I listened to the entire Jed cd while writing that. And it's late and I have gymnastics practice tomorrow again, bright and early. I am never going to be able to wake up in the morning.
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The Cerulean O
Goo God

Goddamn it, I hate side quests.

Posts: 790
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #145 on: Jan 20th, 2007, 9:00am » |
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Wow. And I thought some of my rants were long. Rant: I am still angry at the chick who cut my hair. I bring this picture, right? I've done this before, it looked awesome. This time, she didn't cut my hair in enough layers, or short enough. I could style it last time! This time? Nothing!! Rave: My little brother scored major points last night. He told me he wants to be Robby. I hit him when he tried to tell me he wanted to be Johnny, and I told him he can never be Mike, but he told me he wants to be Robby before he claimed the other two. I'm so proud. Confession: He doesn't really want to be Robby. When he looks at a guy and says "I wanna be him" that just means he finds him attractive, but at the tender age of ten, is not secure enough in his masculinity to say "if I swung that way..."
« Last Edit: Jan 20th, 2007, 9:02am by The Cerulean O » |
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 I made it. Ask before you take it, yo.
The Cerulean O
Goo God

Goddamn it, I hate side quests.

Posts: 790
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #146 on: Jan 20th, 2007, 2:12pm » |
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Rant: .....I don't have anything to rant about. *grr* Rave: I'M LEAVING FOR THE HOWARD JONES CONCERT IN A FEW MINUTES!!!!! Rave(The better one): *jumps up and down repeatedly* When I was in the mall today with my mom today, and we were eating lunch/breakfast, and there was this totally hot guy, right? Okay, so I was checking him out the whole time, but here's the kicker--HE WAS CHECKING ME OUT TOO!!!! We swear, he kept making excuses to walk past our table... At one point when he walked by, he got past our table and looked back at me, and then when we walked past him on our way out, he looked right at me. If my mom hadn't been there, he might have talked to me... And so in conclusion. A TOTALLY HOT BOY WAS FLIRTING WITH ME!!!!!!! Confession: He was probably too old for me
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 I made it. Ask before you take it, yo.
The Cerulean O
Goo God

Goddamn it, I hate side quests.

Posts: 790
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #147 on: Jan 21st, 2007, 3:05pm » |
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Rant: There is a child in my house, and I want him OUT! Rant: I leave for AZ on Friday, and my best friend in the whole world, who I haven't seen since October, is not free. She works at a Best Buy, and they've got her working all week. And she lives in Harrisburg, and so it's not like I can just walk down the street after she gets home from work. Rant: Read the last rant again. Thank you.
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 I made it. Ask before you take it, yo.
Goo God

House, MD
Posts: 2594
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #148 on: Jan 22nd, 2007, 5:59pm » |
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Rant: we are weening my baby sis off her bottle and today has been absolute hell. . . Rave: new House and Bones next week. . . Rant: i hate American Idol for depriving me of my House and Bones needs. . .AI used to be cool, but at this point in the show it's all about making fun of people and anymore i can never understand what Paula says. . . Confession: i LURV Hugh Laurie and think he's gorgeous. . .McDreamy who? . . .
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 UPDATED July 10th, 2006
The Cerulean O
Goo God

Goddamn it, I hate side quests.

Posts: 790
Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #149 on: Jan 22nd, 2007, 7:44pm » |
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on Jan 22nd, 2007, 5:59pm, goober_1013 wrote:Rant: i hate American Idol for depriving me of my House and Bones needs. . .AI used to be cool, but at this point in the show it's all about making fun of people and anymore i can never understand what Paula says. . . Confession: i LURV Hugh Laurie and think he's gorgeous. . .McDreamy who? . . . |
| In the words of my good friend, Roy Greenhilt, "We've never met, but I feel an odd spiritual kinship" House is, like, my favorite show, and my DirecTV has been being evil for a while, and so I haven't been able to see it. Then, the day I get my TV back, fricking American Idol is on. Now, I don't mind AI. I think it's kinda fun. But it is SO NOT COOL when it overrides House. Luckily, Boston Legal was still on, so I was okay. Ish.
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 I made it. Ask before you take it, yo.