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   Author  Topic: Rant, Rave, Confession  (Read 33482 times)
I'm Addicted

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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #150 on: Jan 23rd, 2007, 5:07am »
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I love Hugh Laurie too. What's so odd is that House is so different from his usual roles. Considering how goofy he was in Blackadder and Jeeves and Wooster, it's weird to see him so cranky and speaking in an American accent. But lord I love that show. Even if I didn't have a massive crush on Cameron, I'd still like it.  Grin
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Goo God

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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #151 on: Jan 23rd, 2007, 9:19am »
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it is crazy to see him speaking in an American accent especially after i've seen him in all these crazy British movies, Girl from Rio is awesome like whoa just cuz he says 'samba' with a short 'a' sound. . .but it is weird to see him be all serious when he has a wonderful sense of humor.  even more weird to see him clean shaven. . .
the only ep i ever saw on tv was the second season finale and immediately went out and bought the first season then a few months later the second.  i've converted 3 people to House lovers cuz House is like potato chips, you can't eat just one!  well, change eat to watch. . .
Rant:  i get up this morning, drag myself out of bed and get ready for work at 9, get there and find out i wasn't supposed to be there until 2!  GRRR!!!  i'm such an idiot. . .
Rave:  find out meet and greet winners tomorrow!
Confession:  i'm really mad at someone ever though i told them otherwise.
« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2007, 9:20am by goober_1013 » IP Logged

UPDATED July 10th, 2006

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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #152 on: Jan 23rd, 2007, 2:45pm »
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Good luck Mandyyyyyyy!
Rant: My network/inernet connection is terrible. It's been painfully slow for the last two days and it's really starting to piss me off. Gaaaah!
Rave: It flurried last night, wheeeee.
Confession: I need to buy groceries but I've been putting it off for the last two days. (Okay, I have an alibi though... they just changed the bus schedule and I didn't get the new one until today. I don't wanna get stranded!)
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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #153 on: Jan 23rd, 2007, 6:09pm »
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Rant: CURSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn that President. No House. Why can't he understand that House will always be more important than he is?
Rave: Christina talked to her boss, and she's gonna get off early on Thursday and come see me before we leeeeeeeaaaave!!!!  :nanner:
Confession: Bob.
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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #154 on: Jan 23rd, 2007, 9:08pm »
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Rave:  I don't have a first period class for school this semester, so I don't even have to be at school until 8:36a.m. !
RANT:  Actually, I still have to be at school by 7:45 every day anyway because I don't have a ride to school at 8:30, I have to take the bus, which is supposed to arrive at 7:20 but is always early and I always miss it anyway.  I would be able to drive to school... if I had a car, and if parking passes weren't 100 DOLLARS PER SEMESTER!!! What a ripoff!  So basically I have to wake up super early every day so I can go to the library at school and sit there, doing nothing.  And basically every website ever created is blocked by the school, so I have to be reading or doing schoolwork, instead of sleeping which is what I need to be doing.
Confession:  Um... I don't know.
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Goo God

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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession  
« Reply #155 on: Jan 23rd, 2007, 9:21pm »
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I've been wanting to get a new digital camera for a while. I hoped I would get one for my birthday or Christmas, but I didn't. I'm torn between the Canon Digital Rebel XT, and the Nikon D70S. The Canon is $599.49 on Amazon (It was around $800 a few months ago, but with the introduction of the XTi the price dropped) , which includes the  18-55mm Lens. The Nikon is $858.49 and includes the 18-70mm Nikkor Lens. I would prefer to have the Nikon over the Canon. I like the picture quality better on the Nikon, and I like the size and "fit" in my hand of the Nikon over the Canon. The Canon has 8 mp while the Nikon only has 6.1mp. The Nikon comes with a better lens. The Nikon also has a faster shutter speed. I don't really want to go the ebay route because I've gotten ripped off before. I don't think I have enough to justify spending the extra $260 on the Nikon. I will probably end up getting the Canon Rebel, which is still an great camera and I've seen some excellent shots taken with it.
My horse is slowly getting back into work and I have been riding her the past 4 days. Hopefully she is fully healed from whatever caused the lameness.
Nothing really
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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #156 on: Jan 23rd, 2007, 10:37pm »
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Rant:  Stupid school schedule is really obnoxious.
Rant:  Sister's car blew its transmission and somehow it worked out that I have to sacrifice my car to her on occassion, like all of Friday.
Rave:  Uh... I just bought the Neverending White Lights album and I am enjoying it.
Confession:  When I picked up a huge stack of printouts at the print counter yesterday the print person stacked my papers on top of someone else's so I accidentally stole someone's printouts, but didn't notice until today.  I feel like a jerk.
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The Cerulean O
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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #157 on: Jan 26th, 2007, 10:02am »
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Rant: I have to pack up my entire life in one day, because there will be problems if we don't leave tomorrow!!!!!!!
Rave: I found my glasses, at least
Confession: My dirty moment for the entire month of January involves Johnny's pants in this picture:

(By the way, I think I could have broken him like a twig)
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Goo God

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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #158 on: Jan 26th, 2007, 8:32pm »
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Rant:  My mom is annoying.
Rave:  I got a free t-shirt today!
Confession:  Umm... I accidentally missed my second perid class today.  Long story...
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Re: Rant, Rave, Confession
« Reply #159 on: Jan 29th, 2007, 11:05pm »
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Rant:  My stupid school is dragging its ass with my scholarship money (I'm talking 'Fall semester isn't even cleared up yet') and the school being stupid is costing me interest on my loans that I don't even need.  If it's not resolved tomorrow I am going to send a bill to my school and the war shall start.  Bastards.
Rave:  New tour dates!  Come on, Buffalo/Erie/Rochester/Toronto weekend dates!
Confession:  Have been putting off my thermo homework for over a week and it's due tomorrow and I'm making a big mess and my pressure I'm calculating is 2000 bar, which is equivalent to like 1900 atmospheres of pressure, which is not realistic at all, and I guess what I'm confessing is that my thermodynamics skills are quite rusty.  And I'll never learn better time management.
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