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Topic: Mini Paso Reveiw (Read 2722 times) |
Goo God
 I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 819
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #10 on: Aug 8th, 2004, 9:48pm » |
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Jennifer hey girl!! have you made it home yet?? you guys this poor girl went through hell to get to the Paso show, next tour i gotta buy you a drink!!! the "heckers" did really like Johnny, but they were really really smashed, they were making fun of the crack head, man was she something else, boy howdy im glad i wasn't next to her, anyway once the boys started ignoring them and not aknowledging them is when their heckling got more obnoxious and a little hateful...they were drunk students from SLO im sure.....i wasnt mad at them its just they were a little distracting is all LMAO no matter what i had a blast!! Mid state California does have some interesting folks eh? Teri~
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I'm picky!
Posts: 73
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #11 on: Aug 8th, 2004, 10:03pm » |
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Oh YEAH!!!! They are some really really interesting folks there for the show.
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 Its freezing in the corner of my mind

Posts: 198
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #12 on: Aug 9th, 2004, 8:15am » |
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So I want to know-what did the sign say?!!!!
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It's so hard to be someone, strung out from today.
Posts: 156
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #13 on: Aug 9th, 2004, 8:23am » |
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Hey Teri, Great review thanks! You should have worn the tube top with the Camo skirt...yikes!! Here's hoping to see you on NYE somewhere!! Laura
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Darien Lake 8/26/03 The Concert that Rocked my World

Ok, I now know what you look like I was in the row in front of you, next to the people with the black balloons. I remember those guys screaming as well. Guess us ladies aren't the only ones that scream at John Thanks for the review...even though I was there, I spent most of my time clicking away and unfortunately don't remember too much. I do remember that version of We Are The Normal just ROCKS!
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 Goos Rule!!
Posts: 7
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #15 on: Aug 9th, 2004, 3:57pm » |
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I remember the balloons being passed around but I was behind a few rows, so I didn't get one, maybe next time I also had a guuy behind me screaming at John, but he actually was " really into him". He was yelling some things that were making me embarrassed which is hard to do. He was saying that he " wanted john to have sex with him". And, I'm saying it politely mind you, and how much he wanted him. Everyone around us just kind of turned and stared at him, but he was oblivious.
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Susie Q
Goo God
 aka "the orange o"
Posts: 1086
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #16 on: Aug 10th, 2004, 6:40pm » |
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he he, the guys were after Johnny? EVERYBODY wants Johnny! That's California for you! (only kidding, I love CA).. Teri, sounds like you had a great time. Wish I could have been there with you... -denise
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 I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 48
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #17 on: Aug 22nd, 2004, 2:30pm » |
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Hey Silvergirl, After hearing your review, I'm guessing you were the one sitting behind me and my husband. I had on a white tank and you handed me the black ballons. I told you I was a screamer too! If this is you, I have a picture of Johnny and I swear it was when he was pointing at you. If you'd like to see it let me know. Hey, I'm also curious about what your sign said. I missed that post............. Take care, Monique
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Goo God

If music be the food of on

Posts: 1285
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #18 on: Aug 22nd, 2004, 7:06pm » |
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Yeah, Teri...what did you sign say, girl?!!!! oh and Trish...did ya make it back ok, hon? *hugs* Mar
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Left on an eastbound train Gone first thing this morning Why's what's best for you Always the worst thing for me
Goo God
 I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 819
Re: Mini Paso Reveiw
« Reply #19 on: Aug 22nd, 2004, 9:43pm » |
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| guys im sorry the sign said we survived Uncle Sams Jam july 4 2004 Buffalo, NY i had put all of our group photos on the sign (drown rat club) and little nicknames like Denise~ Jersey Girl, Christina~ NY Hottie Laura~ she was our token buffaloian Monique~ yes that was me, i am the one with the big mouth, lol i think its only courtous to warn people that my screaming may cause their ears to bleed, so natrualy i was glad to hear you were a screamer too i would love to see your picture, ahh to think he was pointing at me lol. Teri~ Teri~
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