1998 MTV Video Music Awards

Video Transcript

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JOHNNY: This is No Doubt, I'm Johnny Fame for MTV Online
GWEN: Hiya
JOHNNY: I was just talking to your band and they were saying that they kinda get ignored a little bit
GWEN: Really? I'm sweating really bad and I forgot to wear deodorant
JOHNNY: And your wearing like airmufs (?) on your breasts
GWEN: Her, I mean his hand is sweating against my ...
JOHNNY: My hand?
GWEN: You're hand was...was that your hand?
JOHNNY: No, it was your drummer's
GWEN: Oh, who's touching me right now?
JOHNNY: Who touched her?!
JOHNNY: Hey Gwen, we met earlier, you got mad that I touched you, do you have a boyfriend?
Gwen: Yeah!
JOHNNY: Why were you hitting on me?
GWEN: Don't worry Gavin, everything's under control
JOHNNY: Allright, Gavin?
GWEN: Right
JOHNNY: Allright Gavin, you can have her back

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