What's New Archive - February '04

2/26/04 - The top 10 final results of the banner contest are... #5 #9 #20 #19 #17 #1 #16 #3 #13, #2 tie #14 Congratulations Joel (#5) and Sarah (#9)! I'll be getting in touch with the both of you regarding design details, prizes and all that stuff. I want to thank all the people who made banners. You all did such a fantastic job and you're all so talented. I have some little things...like guitar picks, stickers, etc... for all of you so if you're interested...send me an email with your address. I hate to see your hard work go to waste so you can re-submit your banner for the main board...I have a few other ideas too...more on that after we get the OT board done. If you're in goo boy withdrawal... John will be on VH1 Goes Inside this sunday, 2/29 from 2-3pm ET if you haven't caught it already.

2/23/04 - The voting poll is up! Go here... Banner Contest Poll to cast your vote. Instructions are on the page.

2/20/04 - The deadline for getting your banners in is saturday...however, last minute entries will be accepted up til the voting starts (monday). If you sent in a banner and did not receive a reply from me...I didn't get it. Please either send it again to the site mail... [email protected] or to this alternative address... [email protected].

So far there are 15 banner entries. You can view the banners right now here... Banner Contest 2/04. The poll station to vote should be up by monday... I'll let you know when it's ready. If you want your banner info displayed differently...with the exception of what # you are and where it's at... like for instance, full name, no name, screen name at the message board... please let me know and I'll be happy to change or add whatever.