Mike wore some black shorts and a black t-shirt. Nathan had a whole Steven Tyler look going on. Robby wore black pants,black shirt and he also was running around the stage in his bare feet. John had on a blue top and some corded shorts.The stupid ass wore a hat!His hair is the best thing about him!!
It was cool because they said and did whatever they wanted.Nathan also gave me a big smile.My whole face lighted up!!! What was also really funny was that Robby had all his hair right down in front of his face and he was staring at the audience.He was really scaring me!! No I'm just being sarcastic. It was an EXCELLENT show,they have to come back to England soon!!! At the end of the gig I got a guitar pick and I also got half of the play list.It was a rivalry against it !!!!
Dizzy Long way down Lazy eye Slide Black Balloon Bullet Proof Naked Name January Friend Fallin' Down Full Forever Broadway Second Time Flat Top Iris I think they sang Two Days in February +Encore.