From Fri Jun 26 00:51:57 1998 ok, just to let u all know, I like the goo goo dolls cuz of their music, to be honest I never was interested in them until I heard " Iris" and I never saw what they looked like. I heard them on the radio, THEN saw them on T.V I don't like them cuz the way they look. I'm not a HUGE fan either, I just like "Iris" now I may or may not like any of their other songs but I haven't ever looked into them b4 until after I heard iris. so stop saying that people like the goo goo dolls cuz of their appearance, cuz listen- I...NEVER SAW THEM EVER B4 IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.....UNTIL I SAW THE IRIS VIDEO....I FIRST HEARD THE SONG ON THE RADIO -AND BEGAN TO LIKE THEM-(see u can't SEE the group on the radio u can only HEAR them)THEN LATER I SAW THEM AND I WAS ONLY COMMENTING ON HOW GOOD THE GROUP LOOKED............OK????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OVER IT! I DO NOT LIKE THEM FOR THEIR LOOKS ONLY THEIR MUSIC!!! end of story. Heather From Sat Jun 27 03:29:04 1998 go heather... strong statement.... From Sat Jun 27 21:19:28 1998 We all have different ways of discovering things. I saw the Goos on TV in an interview before I ever heard any of their music. I was pleasantly surprised when I did and then even more surprised when I heard the great older stuff. It was easy to miss out on the Goos in the early days especially if you didn't live in the New York area. If you like the Goos for their music-- that's cool. If you think they're cute--that's cool, too. There's no harm in any of it! Just have fun! Fay