The program is 'Showbiz Weekly'.

(Talking about 'City of Angels")
John: So i went and saw the film, i went to the theater to see the movie before it was released...iron...
ironically with Alanis Morrisette,which was... I didn't go with her...she was just there...when i was the movie theater.

So we were hanging out watching the movie and stuff and then...i was like ok, cool. I think i can do this, y'know ....and then i went to my hotel and wrote the song. Y'know .So i mean it was pretty easy .... it was really easy for me because i could just sorta step outside myself. I didn't have to put my own head on the chopping block. So i could say all kinds of i could be....i could make Nicholas Cage's character say all kinds of things that i wouldn't normally say, y'know. So it was kinda interesting....

Robby: We were driving down the road and our bus driver said 'er hey, who do you have in the bus and...he said....
John:(interupting!) Well there was a tour bus next to us, there was a tour bus next to our tour bus...
Robby: ...He said who do you have on the bus and he said Celine Dion and we were like, yeah right, sure,sure,sure....and about two minutes later he was like...'hey goo goo dolls...' and we were like 'what ?'... 'somebody wants to say something to ya' and she sang that, annoying song that she does....over the cv radio....
Mike: The titanic song.

John: Sometimes i wonder that....i wonder if a song like 'Iris' ...which got....definitely overplayed everywhere.....was as annoying to the public at large as the titanic song and that song that Whitney Houston did from the bodyguard.

Robby: I guess the difference for us with european audiences over the years has been ...we haven't had one! (Group laughs) But we're working on that right now....we've been here (england) one other time and....just did a couple of small shows and some opening spots and stuff like that...but we seem to have a bunch of people who are really excited to work with us here now and....that's pretty refreshing , y'know.

Mike: Well i think people know who we are now , which is a nice change. We had a hit in the states a few years ago with a song called 'Name' and the song did pretty well it didn't seem to... get the band a whole lot bigger. Which was weird... more people knew the song than the band, this time around people actually know the band. Which is great. And the grammy nominations ...i mean it's amazing. We get to go sit with famous people now....