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(Message started by: Hysteria on Dec 3rd, 2006, 10:15am)

Title: Bad day...
Post by Hysteria on Dec 3rd, 2006, 10:15am
... or rather, month or 2.
The last couple of months, there's been some, tension between my parents and me. Mum's been recovering from treatment for cancer, dad's father had a stroke and there was a load of trouble with that, which stressed him out a lot, and he's already a stress-y kind of person. I've just had loads of college stuff going on, coursework, exam preparation, uni applying, and it's starting to stress me out too.
We're all getting stressed at each other. Also the last few weeks i've been in a really down mood, haven't really been properly happy in a while, and i've been in a few bad moods through that and stress from college, work etc. I admit that when i'm in a bad mood, I can be a real bitch to be around, and my parents are beginning to get kind of sick of it. Although they're not exactly the greatest company to be in when they're in bad moods either, and i'm not saying i'm not wrong, by the way.
Today especially we had a huge row, where my dad was telling me to piss off right to my face, and that I should look for my own place. I'm 17 and still in college, so I can't exactly go out and find a place to live so easily. I've actually been considering all day about asking my brother if I can stay with him and his gf for a while in their house in town, where I go to college, just to get away from it all for a while, and give my parents and myself a break for a while.
I'm not saying i'm not wrong, or saying they're in the wrong, I'm just trying to get it out, cause I havent really been able to talk to anyone about it. I can totally understand where my parents are coming from, but anyone here can surely say that when you're stressed out and in a bad mood, sometimes you don't look at things in the same perspective. I dunno, I just needed to get it out, i've probably made myself out to be a right bitch, ah well.  :(

Title: Re: Bad day...
Post by Shannon on Dec 3rd, 2006, 10:27am
Are you kidding?!? You're not a bitch. Have you ever seen the life stressors scale? It ranks stressful events from the most difficult to the least. I'm looking at all the stuff you've been going through and you have several MAJOR life stressors you're going through right now. Family member illnesses and going to Uni are extremely stressful one at a time let alone all together. Both for your parents and you.

Feel free to come here and vent anytime. It can't be good for your stress levels if you're holding it all in all the time and have no one to confide it.

Do you have anything you could do that makes you feel running, playing sports, listening to music, yoga, etc.? If you do, I'd try to do it for a short time each day just to help relieve the pressure.

Title: Re: Bad day...
Post by Hysteria on Dec 3rd, 2006, 10:59am
I have my drums, but usually that just causes more stress cause of the noise. �:P
I draw sometimes and write poetry or stories to get it out of me.
Thanks for the kind words Shannon, means a lot that someone understands and is trying to help instead of seemingly losing all hope.

(edit: I think I did study the life stressors scale, or something similar, in my psychology class last year, just thought about it now! :) )

Title: Re: Bad day...
Post by the red o on Dec 3rd, 2006, 12:40pm
Yeah, you're definitely going through a stressful time right now with all of the stuff that's going on.

However, you say you're 17.  And honestly, all you do when you're 17 is fight with your parents.  I'm 22 and live at home right now.  I just spent 4 years living away from home at college.  Between 18 and 21 I've had a handful of fights where my father told me to move out.  He didn't really mean it, as I'm still here.  He was just angry.  You (and I) have probably said some mean things to the parents as well.

like Shannon said, try to do some things that relax you and make you happy.  Also, you said you had a whole lot of work to do.  Why don't you stay some extra hours at college and work on it?  That way you won't be home to get in fights and you'll probably get your work done more effectively.  During weeks where I have lots and lots of school work and work and I'm filled with lots of stress or anger about something, I lock myself away in my room or at the library where no one can bug me and that way I don't make any innocent people my victims.  And then, when I'm done with my work and slightly less stressed out, I go and see the people I avoided all week. :D

Title: Re: Bad day...
Post by Hysteria on Dec 4th, 2006, 12:40pm
Thanks Red O, that means alot, you guys on here are so awesome.  :)

I actually stayed behind at college today to do some work, and i'm going on an English trip with college tomorrow and wednesday to London, so that's more time away for things to cool off too. Things are starting to settle down again, but yeah, I have been really secluded and stuff at college, and my friends have been worrying, and think they've done something, and i've had to reassure them they havent!!  :-X :)
THanks again for the kind words guys, i've said it once and i'll say it again, you guys rock and it's nice to have someone listen and give some advice. I do appreciate it lots. :)

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