pink boa lady
Goo God
 4/24/99 taken Ruston, LA-Rite-Aid Signed 12/2/02

Posts: 1640
fat tuesday!
« on: Feb 23rd, 2009, 10:15pm » |
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happy mardi gras! we've been partying down here for mardi gras! i've posted pics up on my facebook ([email protected]) of some of the action. not too much, it's kinda hard to capture! also added video of kid rock giving us a little "private" 2 song concert from his float. we were pretty swamped with beads at the parade. had my 1st ever injury at a parade...a fat lip! i was pretty excited, nothing like that ever happens to me! lol sadly i'm all paraded out though. not to mention tired of fighting crowds and traffic. i'll be ready for next year when my little one can go out with us too and be a bead magnet! i also have plenty of pic's up of him too on there. if you've got a facebook, add me!