Misc FAQ
: Here is a small amount of information regarding the FTP

Why can't I get onto the FTP?
There are many reasons why you can't acess the FTP sometimes. Here are some of the reasons:

  1. You typed the information wrong, double check it and try again.
  2. The Adress has changed, at time of writing the FTP adress had changed 3 times in the past week. Go to the Message Board and there should be the latest adress posted in the Beastie FTP thread.
  3. The FTP is down. It is not up 24 hours a day and is often not online for long periods of time.
  4. There may be too many users on it at once. Just wait and try later.

How do I make an FTP?
I am no expert on setting one up so if you are serious about it then I suggest you contact someone you know who runs an FTP and ask them.
Basically you either need webspace that can handle heaps of bandwidth (lots of files beeing transfered over it) and has lots of room for lots of files or you can host one from your computer if you have are able to. The later choice is only worth while if your computer is always online and if you have a very fast connection with no bandwdth caps.

A better idea would be to set up a P2P program similar to Kazza, Napster and Morpheus etc. People could then download the program and share all their Beastie files with other users, this would mean nearly everyone could get on to download files and it would also presumably be much faster.

As a final note I might as well mention that downloading copyrighted material is ilegal and so useing the FTP is ilegal. It doesn't matter wether the items you are downloading are covers (other bands playing Beastie Boys songs), remixes or unreleased tracks, they are still all copyrighted and downloading or uploading them is ilegal.
Although I doubt the Beastie Boys would care to much I am sure that if Capitol Records or Def Jam found out they might make sure the FTP disapeared permanently.

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